Monday, February 25, 2008

Purple Haze/Home Free/Stumpin' Tour 2008

West End Cafe, New Brunswick:
If I had any excuse for not starting the tour blog until now, it would be that it - for whatever reason - doesn't seem like tour yet. Maybe because we're still so close to home? Maybe because road dog 2.0 Salty isn't yet on board? I don't know. We had a day off too soon, I think, and though hanging out for a day in Philly was awesome... we're ready to get out of the northeast.

Thank you thank you thank you to everyone who made our New York show so incredible. Everyone in the band has been out of town/busy/checked out of real life for a while, so it was really amazing to see everyone in one place (though also sort of awkward and sad... "We should hang out more!" "We will... when I get home in two months"). The Toothaches were, as expected, amazing (and right now I'm going to start my tour blogging resolution to use the following words really sparingly: amazing, awesome, incredible). Their cover of M.I.A.'s 'Paper Planes' blew everyone's collective mind (in a way that our cover - which we thought would go over so well! - sort of didn't). And Sex Robots and Pants Yell! were perfect. We have the best friends.

The band slept at my house our last night at home, in close proximity to my new-ish kitty roommate, Stumpy. Stumpy has become the inspiration for our new ultimate tour bored-game, "Stumpin.'" It's easy to play! Just insert "Stumpy" (or "Stump," or "Stumpito", or whatever) into popular song lyrics, movie titles, etc. For example, "White Men Can't Stump," "Gotta be Startin' Stumpin", "Stumpin 2: Electric Bugaloo," "Stump Up the Jam" "Stump and Grind"... Please help us play this game. We've done so many that at this point we're sort of stumped. Stumped, get it? Always funny!

Philadelphia was, as usual, great. Thanks so much to our friend Jimmy for setting up the show with his band, Cordova Academy Glee Club, who ruled! North Star Bar in Philly is a really cool venue. Highly reccomended! Yesterday we had a day off in Philly, and we spent it exploring the Mutter Museum, which Marisa and Rikky really liked. Frank and I, not so much. I think my issue was that I don't like to be reminded in such a brutal way that we're all just blood and bones. It's depressing. Frank wasn't as into it because, even though as a nurse he sees crazy stuff every day, he doesn't like to see it in a non-clinical setting. Also, the gift shop - which seemed like it should have been great! - was not so great. I did get some postcards and some temporary tattoos. But Marisa and Rikky - who aren't blogging (maybe soon?) and therefore don't get to say so - really liked it.

Most of us (all except Rikky, who went out for jazz and soul food) crashed early at our friend Jason's house (thanks Jason!) and half-heartedly watched the Oscars. Pretty awful aside from the french girl who cried "You rocked my life! You rocked my life!!!!"

We're now in New Brunswick, NJ, getting ready for a hopefully rockin house show. Pictures soon. We miss everyone already!

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