Sunday, March 2, 2008


Athens feels like home. This morning, as we watched Davey (a top contender for #1 best dude of all time) ride his yellow moped while we lounged in the grass behind The Grit, it really felt like there was nowhere on earth we'd rather be. You know that movie that's out right now with Hayden Christiansen, where he teleports to like, the top of the Sphinx's head? If I had a choice between chilling on a lounge chair on top of the Sphinx or hanging out eating biscuits in Athens, my choice would be clear. Biscuits, friends, bands and Georgia would win every time.

Our show here last night - with King of Prussia and Spring Tigers - was, of course, great. Though I'm starting to feel a little crummy, Marisa's voice is getting better (Note: I realized after I originally posted this that I hadn't mentioned how ill we've been thus far. Marisa has had a terrible cold/cough that won't go away. She hasn't been able to sing much, so I've been doing most of the singing. Worst ever!) and we're able to play a more balanced set. Though we were competing against the Jonathan Richman show next door at the 40 Watt, there were thankfully a few brave and awesome souls who decided to see us instead (a tough decision, I know!). Thank you to those guys. And to Mike T. for tag-teaming the shows. And thank you thank you thank you to Brandon for setting up the show, and to Dave P. and Dave B. for being our favorites, and to Michael for sharing his empty house. Sorry for all the thank you's, I just realized that it's sort of obnoxious. I should just say "You rocked my life!" to pretty much everyone we meet, like that French girl at the Oscars. Athens rocked our life.

And prior to Athens rocking our life, Chapel Hill/Durham rocked our life in a really serious way. We'd never been there before (maybe some of us had? I certainly hadn't) and we fell pretty deeply in love with it. Like the kind of love where we just want to lie in bed all day staring deeply into the eyes of Durham, talking about our childhood and forgetting to eat. Our first show, in Chapel Hill, was at The Cave - the ultimate bar! We knew it was our kind of place when we saw the lazy pit bull draped across the bar itself as we were loading in. Bartender Matt was really fun, and we met loads of great new people. Notably Betsy (AKA Lam!Lam!) who played with us and blew our minds! Dance moves like no other! Dance songs we loved! We love her. Best part of her set was when a giant Rottweiler (who we later learned was named Camilla) came barreling through the bar and immediately ran to lick Betsy's bare inner thigh as she was playing. She didn't even flinch! Thanks to Alex for helping us out with the show - it ruled!

Our love affair continued the next night with one of the best house shows ever at Craig's place in Durham. The house itself was almost too nice - we were worried everyone was going to party on it too hard! We played with Americans in France and Reed from the band Schooner - both of whom were really, really awesome. We drank, we made new friends, we ate guacamole,
we danced to Make Out Club... party! Thanks, Craig!

Two more things about Durham: Sunrise Biscuit Kitchen and Locopops (we even got iconic Locopop band photo #2!). I realize that saying that a biscuit is the best biscuit you've ever had is a pretty intense and grand statement, but... we're saying it. Life-altering.

When we left you last, we had yet to play the Spazzatorium in Greenville. Greenville, NC is sort of a weird town -- there's a college but it doesn't seem college-y, it's a little in the middle of nowhere... Which makes it all the crazier that a venue like the Spazzatorium is able to exist. It's one of the coolest DIY spaces we've played, and Jeff really took care of us, buying loads of free beer and finding us a place to stay (also thanks to Jake and his night-cuddling dog Pony). The best part of the night - which was, admittedly, a little weird - was meeting the improv/sketch comedy duo Superkiids, who are wacky and awesome, and who we will hopefully hang with (and play with) again really soon. They also helped us think of some new Stumpies... which, sadly, I don't remember now! But they were so great! Superkiids, if you're reading this... help us out! The band that played between was a bit of a mellow-harsher... but we definitely had a great night in Greenville.

We're heading to Atlanta tonight, taking a night off before playing there tomorrow at The Earl. Can't wait.

And, finally: a few pics.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Dearest Besties,

We loved you too. I didn't realize until the next day that all your songs were called something song.

Please come back to North Carolina very soon.
