Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Freedom 90 (I won't let you down, so please don't give me up)

I'm sitting in Matt from Bunnygrunt's kitchen, anticipating all of the awesome stuff that will happen today: BBQ, bottle rockets, finally eating the tomatoes we bought in Kentucky, partying with our new St. Louis friends, seeing Cyndi Lauper under the arch (!!), fireworks.

We fell hard for Lexington, KY. The show was incredible - free ice cream, Kentucky bourban, the best venue ever (The Icehouse, an old icehouse that's like the KY version of 79 Lorimer - only exponentially better). We met some great people who we felt like we'd known forever (Ross, Matt, Brandon, Bailey, everyone!). Marisa and I also played with 7 four week old boxer puppies - an experience which was life-altering. I know everyone's sick of hearing us talk about these puppies, but they were SO UNBELIEVABLY CUTE. I'll post the pictures tomorrow, along with more on our St. Louis EXPERIENCE. Last night's show ruled hard, and I expect today to follow suit. But right now I've got some serious partying to do.


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